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Membership 2014-15

Membership 2014-15

John Swanson27 Jan 2015 - 16:59
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Membership 2014-15

If you have NOT paid membership fees for 2014-15 your membership has lapsed, and you are currently NOT entitled to the benefits of Membership.

Please remedy this by completing and returning a Membership Form immediately

Forms are available:
From Bar Staff
From Membership Secretary
From website ( available in 3 common formats)

Subscriptions can be left with Bar Staff, or be taken, posted or emailed to Membership Secretary.
Payment with your form can be made by cheque, cash or bank transfer.
Full details are on the Membership Form

Please note that it is illegal to purchase or consume alcohol in these the Eastgate Clubrooms unless you are either
a member,
a member of another rugby club,
a guest of a member in which case you must enter your name and address along with the name of the member accompanying you in the Guest Register.

Once again you can download the form from the club website (3 different formats are currently available; PDF & 2 versions of Microsoft Word). Paper copies will be available in the Eastgate Clubrooms when they are printed.

You can return completed form with subscription to the Eastgate Clubrooms, by mail to my address (on the form) or electronically by email to

If sending form by email, you can pay by Bank Transfer. Please ensure you use an identifier such as name and postcode so that we can allocate appropriately.


Further reading