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Wolfram Syndrom UK - Spirit FM Milly & Sallys Roadtrip Challenge

Wolfram Syndrom UK - Spirit FM Milly & Sallys Roadtrip Challenge

Ben PALVADEAU9 Sep 2014 - 08:59
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Alan Nye (Chunky) is heavily involved in this charity, please take a minute to have a look...
The Challenge has been set for Spirit FM's Milly & Sally to join the Charity Road Trippers who will be visiting 25 Major Childrens Hospitals, in 4 Countries, through 40 Counties, driving 1600 miles, all in less than 60 hours! The overall mission being to complete the largest ever awareness campaign for Wolfram Syndrome, a very rare genetic disorder only affecting around 100 families in the UK.
The Charity Roadtripppers will deliver the most up to date and comprehensive medic information pack on Wolfram Syndrome to the main Children’s Hospitals within the UK, between 19th-21st September, helping Doctors and medical professionals alike to make the prompt and correct diagnosis of this complex condition. For more information about the Charity Roadtrip 2014 visit
Further reading