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Mighty Cents Win at Shire Hall

Mighty Cents Win at Shire Hall

Paul Clark2 Sep 2018 - 08:48
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Shire Hall 5 Rams Cents 50 - A game of 4 quarters

The Mighty Cents second pre-season game saw them hop across the road to the delightful pitches of Shire Hall. Previous pre-season games at the Berkshire County Sports Ground have been a torrid affair with both teams eager to get into their swing early and play some physical rugby.

The Cents started well, regaining the kick-off through lock, Robin Taylor and carrying well through the forwards. A lovely kick by HGK was caught by Jack Scott (stepping in from the Horde), who in a Sonny Bill styli, popped to Casey who scored under the posts, after rounding the opposition wing and full-back. Converted by Alex Leicester.

Following the re-start, an arm-wrestle ensued between both sides. Shire Hall were awarded a penalty, which they kicked to touch. From the subsequent lineout, the humungous Shire Hall pack rumbled over for their first try of the game.

The first quarter ended 7-5.

From the start of the 2nd quarter, the Cents backline tried another set move. HGK released Casey for his second try of the game.

Some scrappy play then began to enter from both sides as knock-ons and infringements gave Shire Hall a penalty from 30 metres out. Skimming the right post, the back line then counter attacked beautifully, ending just short of the opposition line.

Half time caught up with us, and as the Bernie & Rob inspired oranges and Jelly Babies did the rounds, both coaches on the day waded in with various improvements that could be made to the Cents performance.

The 2nd half kicked off, and possibly my highlight of the game was a darting run, by the fresh faced Alex Evans. He side stepped and whizzed his way through the opposition, beating 10-12 players, before finally being half tackled by the opposition wing, only to spin off him and launch the ball accidently, full force into his face. I’m still chuckling to myself now!

From an opposition lineout, Matt Rose (now in the back row) ran onto a fumbled ball from Shire Hall, with Max Clark in support. Recognising where the gaps were, the backs spread the ball well to allow James Serpell to score to the left of the posts. 19-5.

Play resumed with the Mighty Cents beginning to impose their dominance in the game. HGK sliding a lovely box kick into space, chased down by the Ensians backline. The retreating Shire Hall wing was caught, turned over and the play was spread wide where Dave Southworth scored to make the tally 24-5.

Play gets slightly hazy after this point as the note taker began talking to someone’s mum, but…
- Jack scored
- Roddy converted
- James Dias came on for HGK, who was busy being sick in the middle of the pitch.

James Serpell made several decisive runs throughout the afternoon, but the best was saved for last. From inside his own 22 he launched an attacked, and with support from both forwards and backs, span the ball to Alex Evans who notched up his first try for the Cents.

With Goughy sustaining an injury, A. Leicester stepped in to the 9 position, with Dias at 10. From a resulting scrum, Leicester was able to disrupt the opposition enough to win the ball. With pace, the backline clicked into action and allowed one of our hard working 2nd rows, Callum, to score under the posts (who was kindly gifted the try by Casey, which by all means, should null and void any bets placed…)

James Serpell settled the scoring, with a fine conversion by wing Casey.

The game ended with the Mighty Cents defending their try line after a breakaway by the opposition. Robin leading the pack well all game, ripped the ball from the oppositions grasp to relieve pressure. In the dying seconds a scrum, 5 metres out meant one of the Shire Hall big lads had a chance to add to their scoring. He had, however, not yet come up against our human doormat Leicester, who gratefully cushioned his fall to prevent him scoring.

Final score 50-5 win for the Mighty Cents.
Quote of the day, ‘I'm not too keen on this kicking lark,’ Steve Casey
Men of the match – Dave Southworth (Forwards) 0 – 1 James Serpell (Backs)

All in all, the game was played in an excellent manner, with the Cents discipline doing them well, and with both teams showing great aptitude with ball in hand. Good luck to Shire Hall for the season ahead, as the Mighty Cents move on to Abingdon (away) next Saturday, and we begin to ramp up preparations for the 2018/19 season.

Further reading