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A view from the sidelines

A view from the sidelines

Stephan Walker17 May 2016 - 12:42
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Supporting the Stags isn't always easy. A bit of a tongue-in-cheek review of the season.

Firstly let me say that I am not writing this in my capacity as Club Treasurer but as a fan, or supporter if you prefer that term, of our glorious 1st XV – the mighty Stags.

As a fan I naturally have unrealistic expectations.

When we lose, it hurts. When we play badly I’m annoyed because I expect better.

As a fan I am also an eternal optimist.

Come Saturday I expect we can, and will, beat every team that we face. Even when we’re playing gash I have complete faith in the lads being able to turn it around and dig out a win. Blind faith some people might call it, but faith none the less. And it has been repaid several times this season. Just look at the last game at Lochaber when we stole the game with 14 points scored in the last 3 minutes.

I managed 9 games this season (more than some players!) which wasn’t bad. I should really have gone to Moray too, and next season I will try to get to more away games. Definitely Highland.

Wait, slight digression – speaking of being a fan it seems we are a bit of a dying breed. What happened to all the support we used to get? Definitely need to work on that next season and build a better atmosphere for matches.

Right, back to the narrative.

We had some games at the start of the season which were far too easy for us. Brilliant to get 100 points on the board but it wasn't really the test we needed at that time.

We had some real nail-biters and some outstanding performances to get wins when others might have expected us to cave. We also seem to have been too rough for those sensitive military blokes at Kinloss. I think even the ref was impressed at how far they spat the dummy.

Finishing 4th was a disappointment to me and I know the players feel the same. Losing at home to Garioch and Wandys were bitter pills to swallow. We should never lose at home. Don’t care who we play we should never lose at home. (see above re unrealistic expectations).

If we’d won those 2 games we would have been 2nd in the league. So frustrating. That’s the counter side to optimism and unrealistic expectations – frustration and disappointment. So what. I’m a fan and I’ll be the same next season.

Despite my disappointment with how we finished in the league it
has been a good season. Just look at the numbers:

Season P W L F A Pts Finished
15/16 16 11 5 532 235 51 4th
14/15 16 7 9 332 369 36 5th
13/14 20 13 7 487 368 62 4th
12/13 10 2 8 182 302 15 9th

Scored more, conceded less. Brilliant.

Credit must go to Ben for the way he has coached and also to all the players for buying in to what he wanted to achieve. Our fitness has been so much better this season and in every game I watched we kept going right to the final whistle. Plenty teams couldn’t cope with the intensity we played with over the full 80 minutes which was great to watch. I’m definitely looking for more of the same next season.

The coverage we got in the press this season was good, even got a proper mention in the P&J when we beat Deeside at home. Pete Carson took great photos and of course my journalistic skills were so good even Tom English was looking for tips. May have dreamed that last bit.

It was good that people looked forward to picking up the papers on a Thursday to see what was in them. It seemed to me there was a wee bit of competition to see who would get a mention or their picture in. It provided a bit of craic at the club and generated wider interest in what we do. Ben told me that people he didn’t know started to come and speak to him off the back of seeing him mentioned in the papers, and the entirely accurate quotes he gave!!

Speaking of players, as a fan I also get to offer my opinion about them with no fear of retaliation.

I’m not going to mention everyone so I don’t want any sulking from anyone I don’t mention. Not thinking of anyone in particular here.

Where to start, where to start………..

Lewis was Player of the Year and rightly so. He has probably been our most consistent player over the last 3 seasons and he scored 8 tries which is a ridiculous amount for a prop. Outstanding.

Actually, he reminds me a bit of myself when I were a lad. People used to talk about my terrier-like qualities on the pitch. Not so much because I was a nippy player or for my tenacity at the breakdown and aggression in the loose. No, more because I was soft in the head and would happily chase a ball around a park for 80 minutes.

Naturally the front row was my home and to me there’s nothing better in a game of rugby than watching a front row player with ball in hand rampaging through the opposition.

I think that Gareth is one of our most under-rated players but I can’t think of anyone better to be playing full-back. There’s been plenty times when we’ve been under the cosh and Gareth has received a kick in our 22 then he’s off on one of those mazy runs he does and all of a sudden we’re in their half, the forwards are piling in to get possession, the blood is pumping, the whole team gets a lift and so do the fans. Love watching him play.

I have to make a special mention of the boys who made the step up from U18s this year. I’ve watched them play from U15s and watched them all win trophies at U16 level.

Cal Sangster. Wish I had half his ability at that age. Brilliant in the loose, got a ridiculous amount of turnovers (looking at him these days a few too many of the apple variety. No offence Cal. Pot, kettle and all that ) and scored 7 tries in 6 games for us. Aberdeen Rugby should consider themselves very lucky to have him.

As the baby Eagleshambles Joe had a lot to live up to. Still learning his best position I think, but now we have someone who can really challenge Mike for the try scoring crown. Great to see him get Young Player of the Year.

And Glen. I have a huge amount of time for Glen. Needs more game time next season to really push on his development. Great to see him get Most Improved Player. Could.Not.Be.Happier.For.Him.

Overall I thought our pack was immense all season. I think the players matured as indivuduals and as a team. There's a lot more confidence going around compared to last season too.

Players may not hear this too often but I am proud of each and every one of them.

Honestly, genuinely, proud.

So what does next season hold for us?

We’ll be joined by Highland 2nds who are promoted from Div 3 and Mackie who are relegated from Div 1. Will we keep the same squad? Will we get new players? Who is going to coach?

It’ll be a very tough league but of course as a fan I fully expect us to win every game.

£20 says when the fixtures come out we're drawn away to Shetland the Saturday before christmas.


Further reading