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Chris Parke injury update

Chris Parke injury update

Matt Berry9 Aug 2018 - 10:40
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Message from David Woodward

Dear Club members.
It is now 14 days since his accident and I have just spoken to his parents .
Whilst Chris is still in intensive care in Nottingham Hospital they say they have been encouraged as there are signs of some slight improvement and they think he is getting over his chest infection. He is still on a ventilator so cannot speak yet and is very tired. His Consultant thinks he will get better eventually but it will take a long time. When he gets stronger they will transfer him to a spinal unit.
As you can imagine they are still in a state of shock about his injury. Whilst they know Chris will want to speak to his hockey friends they do not feel he is well enough at the moment and visiting may not be appropriate.
They asked me today to thank everyone for all the kind good wishes. We all, I am sure wish him a speedy recovery and I will continue to keep you all informed about his progress.
If anyone wants to contact Chis via his parents please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

David Woodward


This is a note to make you all aware that Chris Parke has had a major injury, fracturing his spine in an accident whilst on a hockey trip.

He is currently in intensive care at Nottingham Hospital, having had a number of emergency operations and his condition has been made worse as he has a chest infection.

It is not yet known how long he will take to recover from his injury but the Doctors say it could be a long time.

Chris has been a club member since he was about 8 years old and is currently in the Men’s 2nd team and also coaches in the youth section.
He has made many friends at the club and we are all devastated that this injury has occurred. We all wish him well and look forward to a speedy recovery.

I have spoken to Chris’s Dad, Ian, who is at Chris' bedside, along with his Mum. Chris cannot speak at the moment but I was able to pass on our best wishes to him by speaker phone.
Ian says that Chris would like to hear from any of his friends as hockey at Rotherham is a major part of his life.

If anyone wants to contact Chis via his parents, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.


Further reading