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Update on Chris Parke

Update on Chris Parke

Richard Haigh23 Aug 2018 - 21:01
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Following a visit by David Woodward on 22nd August

Dear Club members,
I went with Sue, to visit Chris and his parents on Wednesday in the City Hospital, Nottingham where he is in Critical Care, still on a ventilator and with constant medical supervision. Whilst Chris is still very ill, there are signs of improvement and some feeling has returned to the top part of his body. He is receiving a lot of physio and the doctors are hoping to wean him off the ventilator when his body is strong enough for him to breath on his own. Eventually, as he recovers he will be moved to a special spinal injuries unit.
It will take some time for him to recover from this serious injury to his spine but his Doctors and family are confident that he will, but nobody knows if any permanent damage has been done.
Sue and I were able to talk to Chris and whilst he could not speak, he was able to reply with smiles and small movements with his hands and head. He is very keen to receive visits from his hockey friends so if anyone wishes to go please let me know and I will give you his dad’s contact details. We will certainly be going again. Chris looks contented but I am sure he is feeling fed up. It is also a very stressful time for his parents and brother and I extended our best wishes and offer of support.
Ian and Kath also asked me to say that they are all touched by the good wishes and kind thoughts they have all received from the Hockey Club members.

With Chris’s permission I took this photo and he is happy for me to put it on our website.

If you wish to send a card or note to cheer Chris up then the address is given below.
We all, I am sure wish him a speedy recovery and I will continue to keep you all informed about his progress.

David Woodward

Chris Parke
Critical Care Room 16
City Hospital Nottingham
Hucknall Road


Further reading