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Ahead of the game - Penycae

Ahead of the game - Penycae

Web Master27 Mar 2018 - 09:34
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Looking back on 2018 so far, and forward to the next fixture

This Saturday brings about a watershed moment for this team. We’ve been more than happy to put it out there how proud we are that this club is made up of the right individuals who want to achieve something together, where a £20 note on a Saturday is not deemed important compared to that togetherness we have. We need to prove they aren’t just words, and we aren’t just another club.

We’ve worked through many ups and downs in this 8 months of the Season so far. The squad assembled for Game 1 was hugely impressive, and the start that followed was proof. It didn’t take long to sort out the men from the boys though, and when all things weren’t going our way, it was the usual boys that stuck together, the core of this Saltney Town Football Club. We were deeply disappointed to lose our Gaffer and talisman, but rallied together as always and climbed to be level 2nd at the turn of the Year.
What’s gone on since then has been my strangest period in football by far. We’ve lost to a Llay side who I feel are coming on leaps and bounds under Mike Gadie, and Cefn Albion who have been the Club of the Year for me at this level so far. On and off the pitch they are looking more impressive as the weeks go by. A defeat to Corwen at Maes Tegid. 3 defeats where on watching the game we deserved at least a point in each, but got none as goals were gifted, and our opponents defended admirably to take the spoils. That’s football. Lex saw us look destined to snatch a defeat from the jaws of victory having been in complete control, only to then grab a draw thanks to Lewis Burgess’ penalty.

All of the above was witnessed in the midst of changes which ultimately didn’t work out, through nobody’s fault may I add – once again, that’s football. We’ve had signings come in and last 1 game. We’ve lost our Goalkeeper Mike Edwards to injury having been so impressive in claiming his shirt earlier in the season, then his replacement going AWOL. 3 or 4 players pulling out the morning of games. It’s been more circus than football club recently, and I take full responsibility. Trying to improve things hasn’t gone how I pictured it, but…that’s football. Marc & I are more than capable of Managing the team until the end of the season at least, and with the larger than life character that is Dutt, and Club stalwarts Andy Johno and Paul Gorman, the Town is alive and well, if maybe a little stretched.
The euphoric win over local rivals FC Nomads seems a long time ago already. The original “haves vs have nots” situation we set as the benchmark when I joined the Club. The target to reach their level and surpass if possible. The 3 points feeling very sweet, even if in different circumstances to what I hoped for with us both mid to low side in the table, disappeared with the humbling received by Joe Williams and Corwen last week. A fantastic achievement by Joe in scoring all 7 – I’m very glad to see the back of him for this season!! Let’s be clear here though – losing 7-2 is not acceptable, and 2018 has not been good enough from us, and everyone needs to look at themselves.


Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. These boys are what’s help build this club, and with 10 games to go, we can still achieve our target for this Season, starting with the trip to Penycae. Cae will feeling confident after their win last week, and it’s up to us to go there and show a proper account of ourselves. Wipe our mouths of last week, we can do nothing about it. We can however dictate to ourselves how we react. It’s certain to be a good, exciting game. It’s time to show what we are made of again. 10 games to go. It always starts with the next 1.

Kick off is 2.30pm at Penycae. Your support would be appreciated.

Further reading