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What is SOS Kit Aid?
SOS Kit Aid, previously known as SOS IRB Kit Aid, was a rugby only organisation started in 2001 by John Broadfoot an ex-rugby player, junior rugby coach and sales manager of Shell UK who took early retirement at 53 and wanted to put something back into the game. With the support and financial backing of the International Rugby Board in Dublin, he started by supplying secondhand kit to Romania to assist youth rugby.

Nine years later, over 100 volunteers work for SOS Kit Aid producing over £2million worth of donated rugby kit which has been sent to 19 disadvantaged rugby countries – making a real difference. In addition there is a great “green” benefit to SOS Kit Aid because over 300+ tonnes of CO2 emissions are saved by not having to manufacture new kit that recycled kit replaces. In addition, over 75 tonnes of perfectly good rugby kit would now be lying in environmentally damaging UK landfill sites if SOS Kit Aid had not intercepted it and put it to such good use.

What is LV= SOS Kit Aid?
LV= SOS Kit Aid provides both second hand and new rugby/cricket kit to less advantaged children in the UK and abroad. The programme aims to make a positive and tangible impact on young people’s lives by giving children of all abilities and backgrounds the chance to participate in sporting activities. It will also try to promote social inclusion by bringing kit donors and kit recipients together.

LV= SOS Kit Aid is a corporate joint venture between The Lord’s Taverners and SOS Kit Aid Ltd. The new venture has charitable status and LV= is supporting this joint venture as lead sponsor.
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When we started in 1843 our goal was to give financial security to more than just a privileged few and for many decades we were most commonly associated with providing a method of saving to people of modest means. Today we follow a similar purpose, helping people to protect and provide for the things they love, although on a much larger scale and through a wide range of financial services including insurance, investment and retirement products.
We offer our services direct to consumers, as well as through IFAs and brokers, and through strategic partnerships with organisations such as ASDA, Nationwide Building Society and a range of trades unions.
LVFS is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority, register number 110035. LVFS is a member of the ABI, the AFM and ILAG. Registered address: County Gates, Bournemouth BH1 2NF.