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Your Questions to Steve Hendey Answered

Your Questions to Steve Hendey Answered

HSFC Webmaster29 Dec 2014 - 11:14
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As a little treat before the New Year, Steve Hendey answers the most pressing questions that were posted via Facebook.

Liam Winnett: I want to know who he rates the most Matt Hendey or Mike Hendey

"That's like asking who's your favourite child! What I will say is they're both different types of players. Both are good at going forward and can hurt the opposition. When they learn how to hurt the opposition when defending then people will stop saying that they'll never be as good as their Dad."

Jake Rimington: I'd like to ask him a question... Steve, what's your problem? Iv never seen such poor refereeing standard at a training session! I want Change! I want answers!

"All I can say is you've obviously not trained much in the past and the quality of refereeing is top drawer (unless it's Charlie reffing). I'm definitely better at reffing than you are at doing shuttles and press ups.

Jake Rimington: I'm also intrigued as to what his favourite cheese is?

"Favourite cheese is a strong cheddar in a sandwich, Stilton sauce with a steak. Stilton or brie with a cracker biscuit after dinner goes down a treat."

Jake Rimington: What's your favourite position?

"Anywhere at the back, you get to see more there..."

A-Mac: What tastes better than it smells?


Liam Winnett: Who does he think will win in a fight between a tiger and a monkey with a pen knife?

"The tiger, but if the monkey had a flick knife it might have more of a chance."

Mark Tinsley: Whats more important winning on a Saturday or trimming his mustache?

"Nothing is more important than winning on a Saturday, Sileby Town or Man united that is."

Adam Boulter: I'd like to know the chat up line he used to pull Sarah?

"The first thing i said to Sarah when i first met her was when i had just got back from a holiday in the south of France with a gang of mates was 'You're not anything like the bitch they said you were' I've always been a smoothie with lots of charm."

Liam Winnett: And also what's his favourite cob from the local cob van.

"I make my own pack up but i do like sandwiches and never tire of cheese and tom with mayo in wholemeal bread. Favourite sandwich is steak and onion in homemade bread."

We hope that helped really get to the core of what makes the great man tick. Feel free to message more questions via our Facebook page as we'll be running this feature again towards the end of the season.

Further reading