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Fred Ellwood - Obituary

Fred Ellwood - Obituary

Ivan Ninkovic7 Sep 2017 - 07:29
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by Daniel Whiting

Fred Ellwood passed away last Thursday evening after a short illness aged 91.

A man who was present on a regular basis over the last few years until his health problems kept him away from the club, he will be missed by all at Southgate Adelaide CC.

Husband to the lovely Dolly, Fred was faithfully by her side as she provided teas for the club in recent years and was fond of telling a joke or three. With his son Paul who is the club President and his grandson Richard who has done more for the club in recent years than any other member, the Ellwood family are an integral part of this cricket club and the club send the whole family our condolences.

Fred Ellwood was born in Islington and was a lifelong fan of his local football club, Arsenal. Often bedecked in an Arsenal baseball cap, he never played cricket but became a part of SACC through his family. With his grandchildren also playing colts cricket, Fred supported his four grandchildren and one great grandchild through all of their extra curricular activities. Fred loved sport of any nature and became part of the furniture at the Walker Ground in recent years. A genial and kind man, he was someone who was easy to get to know and his warmth touched all those that he came into contact with.

A lifetime of working in the Paint and Wallpaper industry brought Fred into contact with numerous people and it was his genial nature and love of a good story that endeared him to many a player at Southgate Adelaide CC.

His funeral will take place at Enfield Crematorium on Wednesday 20th September at 12.00pm. All those who want to pay their final respects are welcome. After the funeral family and friends are welcome at Halfway House (Toby Carvery), Great Cambridge Road, Enfield, EN1 3PM.

All at Southgate Adelaide CC send their condolences to Dolly, Paul, Robert and the family.

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