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SRFC Statement

SRFC Statement

kevin wand30 Nov 2014 - 19:43
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There has been a lot of social media activity over the last 24 hours with reference to Harry Sharman and Spalding Rugby Football Club.

Please see below an accurate statement of events from the club

The Club and Committee reluctantly have accepted Harry Sharman's resignation as Club Captain.

We wish to thank Harry for his exceptional period of service. We fully appreciate the great difficulty Harry has experienced in leading the club during very difficult times this season from the sidelines. However Harry has a record of success which is unrivalled in the history of Spalding rugby club and he will leave an enviable legacy.

Ryan Chappell will step up to the role of Captain with immediate effect. The committee have asked Sam Cooke to assume the role of Acting Vice Captain from now until the end of the season. This is an unelected position and all club members are reminded that they are eligible to stand for all positions within the club at the AGM next year.

Harry Sharman intends to return as a player at the end of December this year and we look forward to him making a tremendous impact and attempting to ensure our league survival this season.

We hope and expect that all club members will get behind Ryan and Sam and give them all their support for the remainder of the season

Further reading