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AGM 2015-2016

AGM 2015-2016

Paul Hayes19 Jun 2016 - 06:50
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The Annual General Meeting for St Austell RFC will be on Wednesday 27 July 2016 in the Lounge Bar at 19:00

Notice for Life, VP, VP Plus and Senior Player members

Dear Member,

I am delighted to invite you to the 2016 Annual General Meeting of St Austell Rugby Football Club, which will take place on Wednesday 27 July 2016, starting at 19:00 at Tregorrick Park.

Please find a draft Agenda for the meeting below. This will be updated to include any proposals and nominations to be voted on by members at the AGM.

All Members are asked to give consideration about coming forward and volunteering to join the Club’s committees. St Austell RFC has a long term ambition to gain promotion to the National Leagues for the first time in the Club’s history. A strong, enthusiastic and dedicated Committee is integral to achieving that aim by ensuring our off-field performance can sustain a National League Club while maintaining a community and family focus.

The Club's constitution specifies a closure date of "not later than 14 days before the date of the AGM" for proposals and nomination for Office on the committee. This means that the last submission date is Wednesday 13 July 2016.

Officer Nominations

Any members interested in taking on the “Officer” Roles are urged to come forward ASAP to enable existing Committee members to make an informed decision on their future position well in advance of the AGM. Members are asked to submit their nomination(s) in writing to the Hon. Secretary Craig Taylor, at the address below, in advance of the close date, preferably by Friday 8 July 2016.

Proposals for the AGM

Proposals requiring a vote at the AGM must be submitted in writing to the Hon. Secretary Craig Taylor, at the address below, with a proposer and seconded. Members are asked to submit their proposal(s) in advance of the close date, preferably by Friday 8 July 2016.

Members’ questions

Submission of members' questions to be answered at the AGM must be submitted in writing to the Hon. Secretary Craig Taylor, at the address below. Members are asked to submit their question(s) in advance of the close date, preferably by Friday 8 July 2016. (Please note it may not be possible to answer highly detailed questions or those of a confidential nature on the night of the AGM)

All proposals and nominees will be published on the Website and available for members to download two weeks before the AGM by Wednesday 13 July 2016. If you would like printed copies then please contact me on the numbers below.

It would be really pleasing to see as many of you as possible at the meeting but I have included all my numbers for anyone who is unable to attend and wish to send their apologies.

Yours sincerely

Craig Taylor
Hon. Secretary
72 Polstain Road

The Club’s accounts for the financial year ending 30 April 2016 will be available to members on or before Monday 18 July 2016..

Invitations will be sent to current eligible voting members (i.e. Life, VP, VP Plus, Senior members) during May.

Full details will be published on the St Austell RFC website in due course.

Craig Taylor, Hon Secretary St Austell RFC

Further reading