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Grand Final heartache for the St Ives Roosters

Grand Final heartache for the St Ives Roosters

Paul Ashbridge19 Aug 2013 - 15:23
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The Roosters would give the game their all, but sadly 2013 wasnt to be our year for their elusive first Grand Final Win.

Grand Final heartache for the St Ives Roosters

In writing this I still can’t believe how the game was lost but credit to the whole squad this season for their determination, effort, and commitment they are all deserved Roosters and have made the club proud.
It is credit to every team in the Eastern Premier this season that Rugby League is beginning to sow its roots amongst what seems at times to be a forgotten part of England. Rugby League is definitely on the increase across the East of England with the East being able to boast an Eastern Premier, Eastern Merit League and a full complement of junior teams. The travelling fans for all four teams that were on display during the Grand Final weekend highlights the effort and support Rugby League has from the East and can only get better and stronger as the #summerrugby bug continues to spread.

From the coin toss the Crusaders chose to start against the wind leaving the Roosters to kick off the 2013 Eastern Premier Grand Final. From the off the Roosters knew they were up against it. Some audacious decisions were being given by the official allowed the crusaders to have good field position however the Roosters defence held strong. Intimidation from the Crusaders and somewhat bullying tactics were continuous and duly oversaw by the referee. However the Roosters continued to stick to the game plan and use the effectiveness of the Monsters Inc. Bros Rhod “Sullington” Howcroft and Josh “Wazowski” Dear to make inroads into the Crusaders defence.
Mickey Blackley who has had a great season in a Roosters shirt came agonisingly close to scoring but was forced off the line by the Crusaders. A change in direction and some slick running by Club Captain Michael Drake got the Roosters on the score board first. Ashbridge converted. Score 0-6 Roosters lead.
Playing to the windy advantages it wasn’t long before the gamesmanship tactics of the crusaders were finally punished by the referee. Ashbridge kicked deep into the crusaders half giving the Roosters good field position. Some excellent running from Ali Walker and Jake Peattie stretched the Crusaders defence and David Sykes exploited a gap to fit his slender frame through to score. Ashbridge converted. 0-12
Again some questionable decisions and more off the ball cuddling by the Crusaders players soon had the Roosters on their own line. Some miss communication by the Roosters but great vision by the Crusaders Loose Forward saw their winger cross untouched for the Crusaders first score of the game. Conversion missed. 4-12
The Crusaders continued to try and assert themselves over the Roosters. The first tussle came from an off the ball hit on the Roosters winger once he defused the highball in goal, followed by some late cheap shots. Again missed by the referee, but resulted in Mickey Blackley been shown the yellow card for breaking up the scrap.
Eventually Crusaders took one too many steps over the line and an obvious head butt towards a Roosters player had him walking with a straight red card.
Shortly after the first interchanges were made with Tommy “Freight Train” Newman and Russell Warrington. With fresh legs on the field Tommy and big Russ drove deep into the Crusaders defence. More infringements from the Crusaders and some intelligent quick play saw a quick tap from a sleeping Crusaders defence saw Michael Drake cross the line for his second score. Ashbridge converted. 4-18

Half Time

The Roosters came out firing to get the second half underway. However it would be the Crusaders who would score first. Credit where credits due a well timed, well weighted kick and an aerobatic aerial take from the Crusaders winger saw him climb above the Roosters defence to fall in goal. Conversion successful 10-18.
The Roosters players continued to battle hard, but were constantly impeded by more bold calls and the Crusaders ability to slow the ball down without infringement.
Eventually their hard work would pay off as David Sykes would spot another gap in the sliding defence to go over. Conversion missed to leave the score 10-22
The next 20 minutes would see a game of chess between the Crusaders and the Roosters, however for whatever reason the Roosters couldn’t complete a set of 6 and eventually the pressure told as the Crusaders went under the posts for the next score. Conversion successful 16-22
The bullying tactics continued with some overseen foul play to have Tommy Newman leave the field after a spear tackle, and Russell Warrington having dislocated his collar bone.
Without the tactical changes required the whole squad dug deep but the more they threw at the Crusaders in defence the less they had in attack to open up the score.
Crusaders would be next to score by rounding the Roosters winger, but on closer inspection from the covering players and the side line crowd the winger ran out of the field of play. However the score was given and the kick sailed inches wide. Score 20-22
The Roosters continued to battle against the decisions and against the wind, but eventually the cracks in the amour began to show there were a couple of quick scores by the Crusaders to allow the Crusaders into the lead 30-22.

With no line judges to support the referee who had already officiated the previous game it was apparent he could no longer keep up with the pace of the game. A missed forward pass saw the Crusaders edge further ahead. 36-22.
Ashbridge and Drake rallied the boys, and everyone continued to battle. Ashbridge created a bit of space and offloaded to Howcroft to score a try under the posts, which was duly converted by Ashbridge. This would be his last action for the day as a Crusaders player flopped on the big man shortly after scoring subjecting him to the growing injuries bench. Score 36-28 Crusaders lead.
For what was missed throughout the game the rooster were penalised twice in a row and the Crusaders opted to kick both times. 38-28
The crusaders would score once more as the roosters continued to chase the game. 44-28.
Not giving up, the Roosters would have the last word. With the whole team behind one another not letting their heads dip, Ashbridge fed Stefan Galluchi who raced away to score under the posts. Conversion successful. 44-34.
But sadly it wasn’t to be. With no more time remaining the Roosters could galvanise another comeback and the victory for the second year running went to the North Herts Crusaders.

Mickey Drake Commented “We are really shocked to be on the wrong side of that score line but that’s rugby. Everyone gave the game everything and I’m sure the Crusaders will be looking at themselves and thinking were lucky to get away with that. We were unlucky with a few injuries today that could have potentially seen us grid out the win. But credit to the guys from North Herts they stuck at it. They just wanted it more than us in the second half. If you said at the start of the season we would emulate the heights of 2012 i would have taken that, but after today and the inroads we have made this season it has left us wanting more”

With one final thankyou for the 2013 season, I would humbly like to thank our key sponsors Mick George Ltd. Saints Nightclub, St Ives. and Impington Sports Centre for their valued input throughout the season. Without their support we would not have been able to develop our Junior Academy and Development Teams.

Further reading