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Get Club Tickets to National League Finals - Lee Valley/Sat 16 April

Get Club Tickets to National League Finals - Lee Valley/Sat 16 April

Tim Sutton7 Mar 2016 - 14:51
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We have secured a good rate for tickets for the league finals weekend at Lee Valley on Saturday 16 April. Tell your captain or coach sharpish if....

We have secured a good rate for tickets for the league finals weekend at Lee Valley on Saturday 16 April. Tell your captain or coach sharpish if you'd like to come. The prices are £15 for adults and £5 for under 18's and include covered seating and on the Saturday all the top 4 teams - both Men's and Women's - are playing in this top class venue near the London Olympic Park.

Link to schedule:

Lets see if we can get a good group of Mens, Ladies and junior players along from the club.

Further reading