Quiz at the Cale!

Quiz at the Cale!

Saturday 24 February 2018
19:00 - 23:00
Jayne Hilditch
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Get your quiz on!

After the HUGE success of the Christmas Jumper party, with the new year comes the newest Stockport Lacrosse Club Social Event... THE QUIZ AT THE CALE 2018.

Start swotting up, pick your most intelligent looking friends wisely (might be tricky, i understand) and sign up with either myself or Ellie Gosnay in teams of 5/6! Costs of £1 per individual.

It will be a general knowledge quiz made up of several rounds, and there will be a prize for the winners AND best team name!

We really hope to make this a good one, and once again keep raising money for the club and get money behind the bar. So find yourself a team, sign up, think of the wittest name and prepare to battle it out to earn the title of THE GREATEST MINDS IN CALE GREEN....

Further reading
This is a past event