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SOS for Senior Players

SOS for Senior Players

Colin Dalgarno27 Jan 2014 - 08:08
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Strathaven RFC need more senior players, can you help or know someone that can?

As you know the 1XV have been struggling for players this season which has been made even more apparent this weekend due to having to cancel this past Saturdays fixture against Stewartry. While the cancellation was down to injuries in the front row and our replacements working away it's brought it home even more how badly we need players, with a larger squad we would have had no problem fulfilling the fixture. To give you an idea of what we’re looking for one of or coaching team Jim Kidd has compiled the following list of the types of people we’re after;

1) Would to like to play and get fit, new starts. This season we have added 4 players who never played before and they are thoroughly enjoying the RUGBY EXPERIENCE and have shown a great commitment to our club/team.
2) All players who have forgotten that we are still committed to our league fixtures
3) We would ESPECIALLY welcome all/any new players
4) Those who have gone into semi-retirement
5) Former players are again especially welcome back to add experience/expertise to a developing squad
6) Those players who would like to play 1st XV RUGBY
7) Unfortunately all players must be over the age of 17

If you know of anyone that could potentially help us out or is looking to get involved with a team sport and get fit rugby is an excellent choice and Strathaven RFC is a great club to choose and they will be welcome to come and join us every Tuesday and Thursday at the club from 7pm.

If anyone has any questions or needs more information please don't hesitate to contact me directly on 0779 279 4219 or via e-mail at


Colin Dalgarno (Chunk)
Strathaven RFC Vice-President

Further reading