
Todmorden Sports Centre JFC where it all began?

I suppose it would be good to say it all began because I was inspired by a famous sportsman, historic quote or the offer of money! Sadly non are true. Like most of the Dads I had a son interested in playing football who was inspired by a man named 'Basher'. To this man we owe everything.
It became quite a routine, the lads played football and the Dads sat in the cafe eating bacon butties. But we wanted more, but only occasionally did we get a runny egg! Then one Saturday the decision was made the boys needed a team, no-one wanted us, so we'd start our own. Martin (Pritchard) was immediately appointed secretary, I would be Coach and Manager, Tony Curtis was ref and FLIX (Max's dad) would be our very first sponsor. Calderdale Soccer Group gave us a set of friendlies and the existing TSC club let us use their name, TSC Under 8's was born.

There has never been a prouder manager than me, if you had seen those boys run out in the new kit that first Sunday it would have brought a tear to your eye too. That moment made me understand Bill Shankly when he said "Some people think football is a matter of life and death.... I can assure them it is much more serious than that". We lost to Crossleys 8-2 that day, then went to Ryburn the week after and lost 12-0 but our spirit never wavered. We eventually got our first win five games in, we beat St Columbas 5-0 at home. When the final whistle went you'd have thought we'd won the FA cup. Who said winning wasn't important!
Since that first game we have continued to have lots of fun and also won a few things on the way, we are regulars at the league Shay finals and have been represented there every year since being granted full league status. League honours have been :
2004/5 Under 9 Cup runners up
2005/6 Under 10 Shield winners
2006/7 Under 7 Shield winners
2006/7 Under 8 Cup Winners
The atmosphere is always fantastic at Tod, that first team was built on friendship and we will never lose sight of that. I live by the first rule of our code of conduct - Play Fair - winning is without value if victory has been achieved unfairly or dishonestly. Cheating is easy, but brings no pleasure. Playing fair requires courage and character and our teams are brought up on it. We have now grown to running seven teams (U7, U8, U9, U10x2, U11 & U12) in the Calderdale Junior Football League, visit the High School one Saturday or Sunday morning its an amazing sight. We rely on the kindness of many but it would be remiss not to mention a few by name; our other sponsors, without the financial support of Richard Scholfield of RS Motors, we wouldn't have training equipment, goals, U11 kit and a training kit for every player, Top Brink sponsor of the 7's & 8's, SFN sponsor of the 9's and LloydsTSB who now provide kit to three of our teams (U10's x 2 & U12), I hope they don't read this as I don't think they know I took the money!
If you've taken the time to read the drivel of a man who once had spare time and have a son or daughter who wants to play football, I urge you to take them to Basher, the man is a saint. He runs football classes every Saturday in the Sports centre for any child 5 years or older. At the beginning of each season Steve recruits our new team and helps fill any spaces in the existing age groups. You never know it might be you writing this story one day.
Simon Hampshire (Chairman)