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RBS Rugby Force Day Sunday 12th August 2012

RBS Rugby Force Day Sunday 12th August 2012

Liston Rutherford15 Aug 2012 - 15:51
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Please note that the recent clean up of our club house and our rugby related facilities has been achieved by wonderful support from members & players.

Many thanks go to Graham Hall, Grant Campbell, Bill Dunn, Dougie Orr, Colin Spencer, Alan Spencer, Liston Rutherford, Dave Whitelaw, Murray Clouston, Richard Wood plus 2 bairns, Keith Bobby, John Spencer, Jamie Watts, Mike Corrigan, Kenny Campbell, Grant Fraser, Duncan Wood, David Stroud & Callum Roulston.
The following was achieved on the day:
• The physio room was tidied up and with the removal of rubbish for the physio's to do their work with ease.
• The shelves in the small bar and the main function bar were washed down and cleaned. As with all the glasses.
• The fridges in each bar were cleaned. All worktop surfaces were cleaned.
• The kitchen was washed down and cupboards cleaned.
• The wash area at the main function bar was painted.
• The gym was brushed out and the old equipment removed, cleansing the clutter.
• The carpets were all shampooed.
• The BBQ' was cleaned.
• The rear external door was painted,
• All of the tables in the function and members bar were cleaned.
• The removal the tasteful YLT graffiti on the function room window.
• Lunch was prepared and had ( ta to GC).
Altogether a very satisfactory morning & afternoon's work.

Thanks again & warm regards to all,

Ross Findlay
TARFC President

Further reading