1st XV
Sat 19 Aug 2017
Woodhouse Giants !s
Tupton RUFC
1st XV

Match Preview

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Match details

Match date

Sat 19 Aug 2017


Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

General Sponsor - CBE+
Senior Polo Sponsor - Container Components
Kit Sponsor - Inspire Training
Shirt Sponsor - OnBoard Skatepark
Club Sponsor - Just Vape E-Cigarettes
Shirt Sponsor - CMP Legal
Club / Player Sponsor - Glorious Foods
Shirt Sponsor - Rainbow Plastics
Shirt Sponsor - Peak Pharmacy
Shirt Sponsor - Matt Barsby Photographer Filmaker
Club Sponsor - Peak Evolution
Club / Shirt Sponsor - T's Flowers
Shirt Sponsor - CLR Landscapes & Builders
Shirt Sponsor - Starts With Sit
Club Sponsor - Tough Enough To Care
Club Sponsor - Markovitz