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Twickenham 63 v 15 Effingham & Leatherhead

Twickenham 63 v 15 Effingham & Leatherhead

john henry smith14 Jan 2019 - 16:37
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Ts start the year with an emphatic win at Parkfields to a sizeable & spirited E&L side who didn’t give up until the 80th minute.

Ts got their 2019 underway with a fantastic win against a side this time last year took Ts to the cleaners, the conditions were perfect for a days running rugby.

The Side, Forwards;
Messiah Penson, Gimli & Fyles in the front row, Skipper Banks with Dowden at locks, Speakin, Mooro & Mo as the back row.
Backs; Biff & Mike half backs once again, Jash & JH back in the centres with Rose, Fozzy & Goddard the back 3.
Replacements; Griff, pen machine Chris & return of the Lurch Stock.

Ts got the game underway through Fozzy, and found themselves defending the strong runners of E&L immediately, one issue that was evident throughout the match was the inability to get low on the E&L players, but a loose ball meant Ts had the early scrum just in their own half. Set piece move saw a cheeky shot on JH but opens a gap for Mike to break through finding Jash behind enemy lines to be brought down on the 22, another phase before Jordan hit Banks on a lovely line to open up the account Fozzy makes it 7-0 to the home side. After a number of plays from both sides another scrum on the E&L 40m line for Ts is the outcome, worth noting competitive scrums from E&L throughout the match, but the backs once again with a set piece move opened up the defence for Rose to get over, Fozzy makes it 14-0.

From the E&L restart Ts cough up the ball, a solid scrum from the away side meant they came up with a good platform, marching past Ts 22 and using their strong runners well, E&L were on the hunt for the line, after racking up a number of phases and around Ts 5 metre line the ball is spilt and Ts manage to clear their lines, however the partial charge down keeps it live and E&L come on the charge once more until the spill centre field and Ts come up with the scrum, JH, Fozzy & Rose combine to take the ball up to the half way.

E&L then go on to prove that this side is not to be taken lightly, as they rack up a staggering number of phases playing from side to side but Ts hold strong and manage to win the pen in their own 22, Fozzy sends it up the park. Ricky hits Dowden with one of his straight ones, then a well worked set piece move once again see’s Mooro release Jash out the back and the 2v1 executed perfectly and Rose goes over for his 2nd, Fozzy makes it 21-0. E&L once again pounce on the Ts mistake in the Ts half and continue to hammer at Ts wall of defence, although holding strong the E&L attack were edging closer and closer to the Ts line, racking up a staggering 18 phases of play Ts manage to hold the ball up and again come away unscathed.

Then came possibly the scrappiest passage of play Ts have ever demonstrated, Jash was taken out off the ball so the next passage of play was with 14, Stock was on the fiekd soon after, racking up their own staggering amount of phases but not really going anywhere under the pressure of E&Ls defence, playing across the park before Mo backs a half break, followed by Ricky taking it 10m away from the opposition line before Goddard was able to pick up and dot it down for the bonus point score, Fozzy makes it 28-0. E&L then pin Ts deep in their half and pile on the pressure for the turn over but a few well worked forward phases before the ball is released out wide for Goddard & Fozzy to make their way down the field and into oppo territory. Ts mounted pressure in the oppo half results in a turnover and Ts go on the hunt, moving the ball across the park stretches the E&L defence and Banks manages to hit a short line and fall over the line for a score on the stroke of HT, Ts go into the break 35-0 after Fozzy adds the extras.

Mo & Penson take a break as Chris & Griffin make their way onto the paddock, E&L get the game underway, Ts soon clear but don’t find touch and E&L use their consistently strong runners to trundle forward and take Ts deep into their own half. A couple of quickly taken penalty’s and catching Ts napping E&L get their first score of the match and the 2nd half making it 35-5. E&L then continue to barrage the Ts defence as they maintain possession until a turnover ball pops out. Biff the man with ball in hand, with nobody ahead he’s home and dry surely… then one of the forwards begins to gain on him, realising there’s still 40 metres to go and he’s blowing, Rose takes it off him to get over for the hattrick, Fozzy makes it 42-5.

The restart doesn’t go 10, a noteable hit from Banks then Ts up the dick of the day moment perfectly, I’ll set the scene, Fozzy & Goddard blind, acres of space behind the winger and fullback centre field, draw and give will work perfectly, Biff winds up for the wide pass then…. Tom Brady appears out of nowhere as the 15 metre forward pass is thrown out of bounds, good effort Biff, even the ref took a giggle at that. E&L take advantage of the possession and make their way down field again, sticking to their game plan of using their strong runners and keeping ball, gets them within Ts 22, however it was their own downfall, after the whistle went E&L player got Yellowed and lost the penalty only for Ts to take it quick and get up to the halfway before losing control. Strong D from Ts forces the error and ball comes loose, fly hacked into touch by E&L some quick thinking from Fozzy taken quickly see’s Biff again in space with nothing but the line, but oh no, he’s being caught once again and has to offload to Chris to finish it for him, Fozzy makes it 49-5.

Ts forced to soak up the E&L waves of attacks once again before they spill, from this scrum skill Carlos Spencer would have been proud of… Solid set piece meant Mike could get the ball wide, Fozzy then shifts it onto JH who makes the break down field, not completely fixing the wing he finds Goddard on the wing who takes it up to the opposition 22, then as the cover came across Goddard went over the top before JH tenderly jumps and flicks the ball onto Rose who’d tracked across the field to end up under the sticks for a phenomenal score! Fozzy made it 56-5. Few Ts mistakes and consistent ball retention from E&L through the next 5 minutes of play meant E&L were pressuring on Ts 5 metre line. Mike makes a lovely break to find rose who takes it up just short of the half way, almost intercepted Joey managed to catch the loose ball and hit Mooro. Taking the play now into opposition territory a well worked late cut from Goddard meant he was away to make it 63-5 with the added extras.

In the last 10 minutes mistakes then crept in from Ts, probably complacent with the score line they knew the end result but E&L weren’t letting up that easy as they sped the tempo of the game up and moved Ts around the park. Quick tap penalties and strong running meant Ts were on the back foot, it wasn’t long before they went wide and exploited the overlap, 63-10 the scores. JH then misses a crucial tackle on the 10, who breaks through and finds the winger who manages to get in out wide for the final score of the match and the end result of 63-15.

The first game post-Christmas is always difficult for teams across the league so was great to get the first game of 2019 off to a winning start.

MOTM; few people put their hands up as it was a great team effort but Fozzy was impeccable with the boot not missing a thing and was dangerous throughout.

DOTD: was an easy choice as Biff’s forward pass was something to behold.

Ts took on Gosport this week and the report will be out later in the week.

Thanks for the read
Until next time

Further reading