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President's Update January 2014

President's Update January 2014

Bryan Clarke8 Jan 2014 - 18:04
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Happy New Year.........

Dear All

For those of you not in the loop about matters at UCC, at the AGM in November Jim Lockhart retired as President after a remarkably successful term, leaving us with great facilities and several major trophies. I thought I had safely retired a few years ago from all positions in the Club, but had my arm twisted to succeed Jim, and now must “follow that!”

The Club has been doing well on the playing side since the late 1990’s, but despite three Scottish Cup wins in the last decade, until 2013, a major league championship had eluded us since 1934. Many generations of players have tried, but failed, and it is appropriate that friends and supporters of UCC now celebrate the event.

It’s a few years since we had a Club dinner, but we are pulling out the stops to make this one the biggest we have had since the Centenary, thirty years ago, and a bit different. The aim is to fill the new Pavilion, which can seat about 120.

We will have two main speakers. Sandy Pender, well-known local resident and former bank manager, but known to some of us as a regular in the Drumpellier teams which achieved great success in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s. The second is Norman Brown, “the worst cricketer in the world” as he described himself when speaking at Sir Richard Hadlee’s 50th Birthday Party, unknown as a speaker in Scotland but who has played cricket and spoken in many parts of the world. We are also planning some other cameo contributions from familiar faces, and if they all come to fruition, it should make for an unusual, and entertaining evening.

Tickets are now available, but we suggest you be quick, as we already have tables committed for 60 to 70 seats , and the Club will be inviting some guests and sponsors. In a break with tradition, and recognising that lady members and friends are among our most enthusiastic supporters, ladies are very welcome.

We shall be outlining plans for the forthcoming season, and for further major improvements to the facilities. Most of all though, we want to celebrate the successes of 2013, and set the platform from which to try to repeat it in 2014. However, if you’re thinking of missing the dinner, try as we will, we can’t guarantee that you’ll ever have another chance to attend a celebration of a major league championship!

Please contact me, Bryan Clarke or Graeme Robertson for tickets at , which are priced at £30.

Kind regards

Euan Stirrat
President UCC

Further reading