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November update

November update

Steve Risby14 Nov 2018 - 09:21
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Put your feet up

Work at the ground has been completed so we have new showers (thank you ECB) and the work on the square and outfield for the end of season has been done too. Scarifying, seeding top soil, filling in the dip in the outfield and general tidy up. The pavilion roof will be repaired at some point soon so that will put a stop to the damp at the bank.

The Christmas drinks will start in the Waterside in Ware at 6pm on Saturday December 15th.

AGM Sunday 6th January

Nets to start the third week of January.

There are ongoing midweek indoor cricket matches through November, December and January so get in contact if you fancy a run out.

We are hoping to participate in the ECB Big Summer of Cricket, more details to follow.

Further reading