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Meet Club Captain Lucy!

Meet Club Captain Lucy!

Michelle Nettleship26 Nov 2017 - 21:05
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A Q&A with Lucy McManus, this years Club Captain!

So Lucy, this is your first year as Club Captain, are you nervous about taking on the role?
No, I have the support of a fantastic committee, great coaches and the best club I’ve ever played for.

What are the key responsibilities of a club captain?
I am the link between the committee and our players, and the link between our players and our coaches.
I deputise for the chair when she’s not around or able to meet UVL, (the board that covers all Vandal teams).
I provide a point of contact for new players who want to join, and welcome them to the family.
I’m also an open ear to listen to any issues, and try to help resolve them with the help of our committee.

What’s your best netball memory?
So many, but has to be when I got hit in the face with a netball, and fell to the floor like a ton of bricks. It was like I’d been shot! The video evidence is on YouTube I think. No wonder my teammates think I’m dramatic.

What’s your pre-match routine?
A green smoothie, toast and being late to every warm up and training session.

What’s the most useless talent you have?
I can name all 50 states and have double jointed toes.

Anything else you’d like to say to Vandals?
I’m always here, and available to chat, via email or phone.
‭07825 519385‬

Further reading