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More sad news , The death of Ian Stewart  on Nov 10th.

More sad news , The death of Ian Stewart on Nov 10th.

jon hitch15 Nov 2018 - 17:34
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A true gentleman and a great bloke! Please read the words below from Barry Fisher , an old friend

Ian Stewart, who died on November 10th, was a proper gentleman, a generous man and a dear friend to many. Apart from playing rugby at Wilmslow , he was a keen tennis player and a good golfer.
He was president of Wilmslow from 1999 to 2001 and also President of the Northern Tennis Club and Stockport Golf Club.
On his arrival from Heaton Moor RUFC in 1964 , he went straight into the 1st XV. He found that his fellow prop was also Ian Stewart. The records say he was Ian A Stewart! but he came to be called 'Cloth' Stewart because of his business in credit drapers and the other prop was 'Stumble' Stewart because he did do - often! Ian 'Cloth ' Stewart played 70 games and scored 1 try. ( but what a try!)
He was a regular supporter this season mainly for the home games but his last coach trip with the team was away to Hull in September.
He will be sadly missed .

Further reading