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Under 11's Tour Fund - Raffle update

Under 11's Tour Fund - Raffle update

jon hitch12 Sep 2015 - 08:32
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Funds raised in aid of Under 11's touring fund

The Under 11’s have been busy over the past couple of weeks, coming up with ideas to raise funds to subsidise the cost of our upcoming Ireland tour and also future tours. Recently, we’ve been selling raffle tickets for bottles of Prosecco during training in September. So far we’ve raised over £200 through this and the winners have been informed (see below).

Week 1 – Julie Birchall (informed and collected) - raised £107
Week 2 – Warner (ticket 118 – informed) – raised £120

We’ve got some great prizes lined up for further raffles so look out for our ticket sellers and please be kind!

Further reading