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New Scrum Machine

New Scrum Machine

andrew fields11 Sep 2017 - 18:44
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Winchester City Council's small grant project scheme helps pay for new scrum sled.

Winchester RFC took delivery of their new scrum machine this week. The money was kindly donated by Winchester City Council through their Small Grants Scheme. One of the council’s aims is to increase physical activity participation in the local community and the machine will certainly do that.

The first to put the machine through it’s paces were the Winchester women's team, as they prepare for their first contact game in October. Community coach Ben Turner, a front row forward himself, took control of the session and was impressed with what he saw. Scrummaging, a somewhat arcane art, is an integral part of the game which, at the community level at least, is still a game for all shapes and sizes. The women took to it with glee and were surprised to find out just how much fun it can be.

Female rugby participation is growing rapidly, with many inspired by the recent World Cup. The Wednesday night sessions at the club have seen as many as 40 women and girls training together and more are always welcome. As well as scrummaging, they are learning how to safely tackle, ruck and maul under the supported by of Winchester community coaching team.

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