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What's happening this weekend?

What's happening this weekend?

Paul Dagger15 Aug 2014 - 08:52
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Big games arriving thick and fast....

The first team maintain their promotion chase on Saturday when they entertain Timsbury. A big game for both sides with Timsbury at the wrong end of the table. The seconds travel to Knowle looking to improve on their third placed spot in the league, they are just behind Ashcott and nothing less than a win will be good enough.

The thirds are home to Churchways and victory would move them a small step closer to another promotion. Sir Nick takes the fourths to Bohemians for a huge game - a win there would definitely put Sylvester amongst the pigeons.

Sunday sees the titanic 'Dads v Lads' game on the St M's ground. Jim Bob and Sir Nick captain the respective teams in what is sure to be a classic encounter that will go some way to defining just who the best players in the families are. Please come up and support the teams, the bar will be open to offer you light refreshment.

Good luck to everyone this weekend, enjoy your cricket.

Hon Chair

Further reading