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david sarling25 Feb 2015 - 09:49
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Fellas, thank you for staying behind last night after training, just to recap the effort you are all putting is a credit to you all, but we cant relax now we still have some big games left to WIN.
Just remember this is your team as much as it is the coaches, please dont be afraid to speak about anything to the Coaches or Club Captain, or bring it up when we have a general discussion, there is no such thing as a stupid question.
Just one more thing, when we do have these general chats can we please make sure that one person speaks at a time and we all listen without interuption plus can we turn mobiles on silent it is very disrespectuful when they start ringing during the meeting.
Again keep the Effort and the Beleif in youself and the team going, we are defo going places fellas.
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