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Catalan Tour Day 1

Catalan Tour Day 1

Scott Bolton29 May 2016 - 20:06
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Golds on tour

Well after years of meticulous planning and countless hours of sleepless nights we are finally here.

After a great send off from our great club we spent a short time in the coach in a VERY overwhelmed and annoyingly quiet coach, before we hit Liverpool airport.
Shortly after, the "Golden Boys" well and truly made their mark on the airline that took us over the channel getting the whole aeroplane into the tour spirit.
Then after 2 solid hours of rapturous singing and chanting we made our base. Thank god for that!!!!!!

The next morning, the team enjoyed a fantastic breakfast and then without warning hit the pool! After ripping it up in the pools, and waterpark, the lads chilled for a while in the Jacuzzi. Again, introducing the local to our "unique" culture. Getting everyone involved in the rugby league version of swimming!.

Once the fellows had eaten they all headed for the sports area, to play basketball and footy, wasting precious energy getting beaten at basketball by Lebron Carl, Micheal Jordan-Bolton and Kobe Bolton before the days main event...... Mountain Biking down the Pyrenees.

When we booked the trip, we hoped it was going to be special but really thought it might be a bit calm...... HUGE mistake!!! after heading UP INTO THE CLOUDS, the lads were given the choice of riding either competition class mountain bikes , or extreme scooters!! ( These things were like something from the future! )
After the BAPTISM OF FIRE by our guide Jerome, we soon realised that this was gonna be something that really tested the metal of our lads, but every single one, really took the bull by the horns.. (Almost literally, as we found out half way down.. Good job the bulls and cows had bells on, or we may have had to have a BBQ!

This really was extreme downhill mountain biking to say the least! To put some perspective on things, it took us 4 hours to get down the mountain, and some of the guys easily managed 40mph whilst clamping their brakes for dear life, as they jumped boulders and logs.... and dodged the occasional cow and bull.
Quiet a few of the lads bailed at times, but got back on to continue the trek of a lifetime, with memories that will last just that.

Once we finally reached the base, and eventually got clean, we all got stuck in to the delicious tucker, before settling in anticipation of what the next day holds!!!........... TO BE CONTINUED!

Further reading