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Club Website Membership Update

Club Website Membership Update

Grant Curley31 Jul 2016 - 15:57
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We are updating our membership database and need your help!

Wycombe Saints FC has a membership of over 330 and whilst we would like to increase that number we'd like the information we have to be accurate and up to date.

We are therefore reviewing all our membership records and asking you to help us by checking your own profile.

A recent review showed that we have significant numbers of members who have not provided an email address or who are not linked to a particular team. We even have some members where the only detail we have is a first name!

As a result we are asking all members to review their profile. If possible, we'd like you to add your email address and sign up to receive emails from the Club. This will allow us (and only us) to get in touch with you about Club issues, whether it be football news, social events, fundraising etc.(NB: you can opt out of receiving emails from the Club, even if you have provided us with your email address).

In addition, ideally we'd like all members to be linked to a team, so that we can ensure we contact relevant members only whenever possible, and if you are a parent/supporter then it is also useful to know the player's name, as this is often the only link we have between the Club and our members.

Our review will last until the end of October, so there is no urgency but please try to take the time to ensure we have the details outlined above, if possible.

At the end of October we will review our membership database again and may prompt specific members for updates, but we will also review whether we retain records of members where we have significant gaps in their profiles.

Further reading