St Crux, York - fundraiser

St Crux, York - fundraiser

Saturday 23 November 2019
08:00 - 17:00
David Booth
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It's our big fundraiser at St Crux - and we're going to need everyone's help please!

This is a big fundraising opportunity for the Club: it's during York's St Nicholas Fair, so there will be lots of people in York. We're going to need lots of cakes, lots to sell and lots of help, both on the day and leading up to it.

Our task is to entice them with our customary excellent refreshments - freshly made sandwiches and home-baked cakes and scones - and encourage them to browse and buy from our second-hand books, CDs and DVDs and good quality bric-a-brac stalls.

It's a whole-club event, and we'll need lots of volunteers please - home baking, donating items for the stalls, help on the day. More details nearer the time, but please make a note in your diaries and let's make it a very successful fundraiser for Yapham CC!

Further reading
This is a past event