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Saturday 11th / Sunday 12th April – our big pre-season weekend!

Saturday 11th / Sunday 12th April – our big pre-season weekend!

David Booth8 Apr 2015 - 06:16
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Signing-on, working on the old clubhouse (final time!), the launch of our new Supporters' Club - lots happening to get ready for an exciting season!

  • Signing-on for all players - seniors and juniors – and the launch of our new Supporters’ Club and an exciting trip to Headingley!

  • Junior kit sale - lots of donated second hand good quality sweaters, shirts and other clothing!

  • Getting the old clubhouse and facilities ready (for the last time!)– lots of cleaning and other jobs! And admiring the new clubhouse as it nears completion (we'll have lots of work to do on that in the next few weeks too!)

  • Getting ready for the season - sorting the kit, putting up the net and covers, rolling the wicket, sweeping out the changing rooms, cleaning the kitchen, tidying up the boundaries, planting the 'garden', perhaps a bit of (fun) painting! - if you are able to help for a couple of hours that would be greatly appreciated
  • - free NatWest Cricketforce T-shirts for all volunteers!

Just turn up at the ground either day (or both!) between 10:00 and 4:00, and sign-on, sign-up and 'muck-in'!

Further reading