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January News

January News

Geoff Willcocks21 Jan 2015 - 20:29
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Preparation for new season underway

As the new season approaches, preparations behind the scenes are underway. Here is an update on some items:

Overseas Player: BB is putting an enormous amount of effort with sourcing an overseas player via various agencies online. To maintain our momentum with our promotion ambitions this has been identified as a key role. With hardly any budget available we are limited with our options but Mike Godkin has kindly offered accommodation and as with Iggy, we would hope local work will be available. Opinion is being canvassed regarding the potential players so we make the most of the skills offered by candidates. We shall hopefully have further news soon on progress on this.

NatWest Cricketforce: We have once again registered for this scheme which assists with the pre-season preparations at the ground. As part of the scheme we have successfully applied for the Jewson Privilege Account Scheme which is essentially a £350 grant for building materials sold at Jewson. As 'many hands make light work' please support the pre-season Ground Days and help clean/paint/repair our facilities in early Spring. We only have what we've got through volunteers efforts and all members should try to contribute some time to assist, however great or small.

Ground Preparation: This year responsibility for maintaining the ground, preparing wickets and general maintenance is currently going to be a shared role with Jerry Warland stepping down from the leading it last season. Maintaining the ground and the preparation of tracks for the number of games we play at Langton Park is extremely time consuming and requires effort. Jerry did a fantastic job last season but now it is up to everyone to step up to the plate and ask themselves 'what can I do to help?' All members benefit from the facilities we have, we have no paid personnel, so please put yourselves forward for a small time and effort contribution.

Sponsorship & Funding: As with all clubs we need money to survive, and Sandy Ralph along with other members of the Commercial team generate much needed funding through sponsorship and advertising. The economic climate is still challenging but if any members has a contact or suggestion in respect to a potential sponsor please get in touch. As an example, last year our cricket ball bill was over £1000 and the ground maintenance costs nearly £5000. Every sponsor of a cricket ball/game/advertising board assists with the club being able to keep subscription and matchday costs down, so please have a think about any potential new donors.

We will be having a committee meeting shortly, so if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions regarding ideas or improvements to the club please contact myself of a committee member.

Many thanks,

Bam Bam

Further reading