Big Thank You

By User 274135

Spring clean at St German's Road

Leanne organised a team of victims volunteers to go over to the playing field at St German's Road to clear up the rubbish that has been dumped there and give the old pavilion a deep clean.
Since we took on the upkeep of the field and the buildings from Callington Cricket Club we have been trying get it to a state where we can offer teas and coffees and maybe more on game days.
It needed some serious work after some of the less desirable locals had been abusing it over the years.
Thanks to the time and dedication of the volunteer team we are now getting closer to be able to use this as real youth clubhouse.
So big thanks to everyone who came over and especially to Leanne for getting it organised.
Great job everyone

Come on you Colts!

Updated 13:55 - 31 Aug 2019 by User 274135

Where next?

Fixtures for Sunday 4th March After the freeze put paid to yesterday's matches. The thaw gives a chance for the girls to play today.

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