By Jeremy Bethell

Fiji, 25 October 2018

“Big Day in Fiji - it all went brilliantly” Maggie Stow

On 25 Oct, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, unveiled a statue in Fiji, commemorating Sergeant Talaiasi Labalaba, killed in action 19 Jul 1972 whilst serving with 22 SAS during the Battle of Mirbat in Oman. The statue is a replica of the one outside the Sgts Mess in Stirling Lines, erected in 2009.

At the ceremony at Nadi International Airport in Fiji, one of the honour guard was a member of Soldiers League who had been intimately involved in the fund raising for and the commissioning of this statue. Lt Col RK (Richard) Naivalurua REME helped Prince Harry remove the shroud during the official unveiling. He also managed to get Brian and Maggie Stow included in the guest list of the unveiling, coming over from Sydney, where the family now lives. Brian was the founder of the Army Rugby League Veterans side and it is he who named them RATS (Race Against Time & Senility). His last posting before leaving the Army was in Hereford. It was a great reason for a tremendous reunion.

For more details of Sergeant Talaiasi Labalaba, see his Wikipedia entry at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talaiasi_Labalaba

For other pictures of Nav, Brian & Maggie and another good looking couple see:

BBC: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-45974280

Daily Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6315013/Prince-unveils-statue-Fijian-SAS-legend-fought-250-insurgents.html

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maggie.stow.14?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBOA9m3yGN9Gc4vB-d4kK1nct4GKIaBJWiGfOcv73KJjAtuLzG_X4-2BrUQJeUJ-SoSglB2xqgAFz4v&hc_ref=ARRrUTqG2PBKb0Q-O8m4ZCd6ybVRfQqYOEohc3WlGyTYWb81HQoS1CpnflCJddFfYec&fref=nf

Updated 10:05 - 30 Aug 2019 by Jeremy Bethell

Where next?

SOLDIERS LEAGUE PATRON INDUCTED INTO RUGBY LEAGUE HALL OF FAME Soldiers League wish to congratulate Andy Gregory, one of our patrons.
The 2018 Soldiers League Dinner And Subsequent Gathering At The Challenge Cup Final Were A Huge Success We are very pleased to announce the dinner and the subsequent gathering at the Challenge Cup Final were a huge success.

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