Veterans - Match center

Norton Athletic FC
Sun 29 Apr 14:30 - League Kickoff 14:30

Norton Athletic 0 Martham Vets 3


Norton well beaten in final home match

Norton Vets were well beaten in this rearranged match by an impressive Martham side whom appeared sharper all over the pitch and moved the ball well. That said they were denied too many clear scoring opportunities and were gifted two of their 3 goals.

Martham started sharply and were 2-0 up inside the first 15 minutes as a sharp raid down the right led to the opening goal which was tucked away by the tall striker. The second then arrived in rather fortunate circumstances as stand in keeper Phil, when trying to clear kicked the ball into Paul Reader with the deflection flying into the net.

Paul Reader was by far Norton's best player on the day and it took some fine last ditch defending by him on more than one occasion to prevent further Martham efforts.

Despite Martham's early domination Norton were still in the game but really lacking any sort of cutting edge and clear cut chances.

The second half saw Martham add to their lead in another needless goal given away by Norton as East push the ball away for a corner which had it been left would have been a goal kick and the tall Martham striker powered home an unchallenged header for his second and Martham's third.

There was no way back for Norton from this and Martham saw out the score to complete a 3-0 win double over us this season.

The Holmes Builders MoM: Paul Reader

Nortons final game is on Tuesday 8th May at Bungay Town Vets but has been brought forward to a 6.30pm kick off on the second pitch due to an U18 game taking precedent on the main stage.

Paul Reader

Star Player

Paul Reader


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90:00 Star Player
Paul Reader is awarded star player for Norton Athletic FC
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