By Buckingham Rugby

Christmas is coming and so is the Annual Christmas Charity Tournament

So far we have 7 teams confirmed with a possible 8th being discussed. If anyone is looking for a game and hasn't already got themselves a berth please contact one of the following team Captains:

Bulldogs - Hutch
Bucks XV - Dave Cummins
PBF - Tom Gurney
Harper Woods - Matt Harper
Old Latins - Tom Jones
Akeley Wood School Old Boys - James Cormie
Buck Academy - Ed Gibson

As the nights have now drawn in, the planning for the next Annual Harpers / Pot Bellied Farmers Tournament is well underway.

Thanks to all your support, each year we are setting new records with funds raised for charities linked to the rugby club. As a reminder, last year alone we raised over £3,800 for MacMillan Nurses, Huntingdon’s Disease, forCrohns & Kirk Nokes Memorial Fund. A superb effort considering this day is run purely by volunteers and down to generosity and drinking habits of you, the club members so thank you again.

Now onto this year, and as ever, when rugby, drinking and charity is involved we need to constantly push the boundaries and keep growing and evolving. This year we are holding this event on SATURDAY 30th DECEMBER.

For the uninitiated, the broad plans for the day goes like this;

1pm rugby tournament starts. 6 teams, 2 pools, semi-finals and finals.
Mulled wine, soup, whole range of fancy coffee, BBQ, 2 separate bars and endless amounts of eye candy on the pitch is at your disposal as soon as the whistle goes at 1pm.
After the rugby ends around 330pm and the darkness falls, the fun moves inside the marquee and clubhouse where we will be having auctions, boat races, presentations to wining captains (and more importantly the worst players), MORE hot food stalls to take you into the night, happy hours, and a no nonsense disco.
Entry is £5 per spectator (U17’s free)

I make no apology for begging and pleading for volunteer support on the day as that is main driver of making it a success. As the day keeps getting bigger, the need to volunteers grows as well so if you are a regular helper on the day or if you haven’t volunteered before, please make the effort this year, get a group of mates / gal pals together and spend an hour helping the day move along smoothly. Further details will be sent out very shortly to sign up for volunteering. Please keep your eyes open and help out where you can.

That’s all for now so get the date in your diary, have a chat with friends on signing up for volunteering and if you are keen to dust off your playing boots, please get in touch.


Jim Mackway

Updated 00:29 - 1 Sep 2019 by Buckingham Rugby

Where next?

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Harpers Day 2017 Cometh And we STILL need a few volunteers to make it happen...


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