Booking a holiday online? Earn us cashback!

By Timothy Abraham

Use Easyfundraising whenever you shop online

You can help the club raise money for our new outdoor net facility whenever you spend money online by using the cashback website Easyfundraising.

Are you buying a holiday? Then TUI, Expedia,, Opodo, First Choice, ebookers and Jet2holidays are among those who offer cashback.

A full list of holiday retailers can be found here:

And remember it's not just holidays. Every time you buy something online using popular retailers such as Amazon,, Trainline, M&S etc it earns the club money.

Head to and search in the cause box for 'Carmel & District Cricket Club' then sign up.

If you need more information, there's a simple step-by-step guide in the MS Word document attached below kindly composed by Dafydd Bailey.

Thanks for your support!

Updated 22:32 - 29 Jan 2020 by Timothy Abraham

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