Club News
As the hugely successful season draws to a close, we are already making plans for next season. Why not be part of it?
Club News
As we reach the end of a hugely successful season, the committee would like to extend their thanks to everyone involved in the club.
Club News
Halifax Panthers were up at the club this week, presenting a cheque for £1000!
Club News
Preparations have been made to go ahead with the first stage of reopening the club. All we need is your support!
Club News
Why not give rugby a try at Greetland Allrounders.
Club News
A £1000 boost will be coming the club's way thanks to those folk who take part in the Greetland Gamble.
Club News
As a club we are doing all we can to reduce risks of spreading COVID 19. Please read the following information.
Club News
Club house cosy and warm thanks to the Council.
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