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Tom Smith1 Jul 2020 - 19:44
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Alnwick Rugby Club is Good to Go

Hi All

As previously informed, we intend to open the clubhouse on Saturday 4th July 2020 and we are delighted to have received our Covid- 19 Industry Standard, in recognition that the clubhouse is able to confirm that they have followed Government and Industry Covid-19 guidelines, ensuring processes are in place to maintain cleanliness and aid social distancing.

The new opening hours to start with will be :

Thursdays 6-10pm
Saturdays 3-10pm

This will be continually reviewed and we will open for further evenings when we deem the time is right for the clubhouse and its members.

We have been working hard to ensure that we have done as much as we can to keep our staff and members safe and we ask if you can play your part by following all the guidance, that follows :

We will be operating a one way system into the clubhouse, you will now only enter via the main entrance door and you will leave the building by the side entrance onto the patio area.

We have created an ordering point, located in the Lion's Den, where you will order your drinks and make the suitable payment.

We ask where possible to pay by a contactless method.

When ordering, staff will record your name, the time you came into the building and if they do not already have a contact number, you will be asked to provide this. This is a compulsory requirement from the Government as part of the 'Test and Trace' system.

You will then proceed into the clubhouse and collect your drinks from the bar in the main room.

The blue area at the front of the main clubhouse bar, is only to be used for collecting drinks and accessing the re-ordering section. Please do not stand in this area to socialise.

Using the available space and following the recommended guidance from the government, we would like to continue to ensure the 2 meter rule applies and the maximum number of people who will be allowed into the clubhouse at any one time will be 100. We have made the decision not to reduce down to 1 metre as to ensure as much safety as we can for our members.

We ask, when you are using the inside clubhouse area, that you use a chair at a table and this will help us to keep an eye on the numbers and also ensure that the 2 metre rule is being applied effectively.

There will also be some tables in the outdoor area, if the weather is good, again applying the same rules.

If using a glass inside the clubhouse, please return the empty glasses to a side table that has been marked for this use. Please do not return them to the bar.

If using a plastic glass in the outside area, please place empty glasses in the bins provided.

When reordering a drink, there will be a section in the main bar for those already in the clubhouse, however for those using the outside space , please follow the one way guidance and re-enter through the main entrance and not the side door.

Hand sanitisers have been placed at both the entrance and exit points of the clubhouse and we ask if you can use these on accessing and exiting the building.

Only two people at any one time can use the toileting areas and hand dryers have been switched off and replaced with paper towels. Again, can all used paper towels be placed appropriately in the bins provided.

Staff have received training on appropriate infection prevention methods and we can give assurance that a deep clean has taken place and all touch points will be cleaned frequently throughout the opening hours.

Lastly, we hope that you come and enjoy being back at the club, albeit in very different circumstances.

Keep safe


Further reading