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New signing interview - Ryan Mellor

New signing interview - Ryan Mellor

Ben Reuven19 Aug 2017 - 07:30
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An interview with new signing Ryan Mellor

You've joined Atherton LR after 3 years at the club, what attracted you about LR? what made you move?
I have decided to sign for LR as I wanted a new challenge and believe they are looking to go up and improve.

What are your hopes and goals now, that you're an LR player?
My hopes and goals are to challenge in every competition with LR and hopefully go on to win trophies!

What do you think you bring to the club?
I hope a can bring bags of goals and pace to the squad and help them in any way possible.

You've had a great ratio of goals per game for Winsford, is this something you want to build on even more at LR?
I really enjoyed my time at Winsford, I want to replicate and even improve on the goalscoring and performances at Winsford.

With that said, you haven't played many games last season, why is that?
The past year or so I have been unlucky with injuries and other commitments but I'm back to full strength and ready to get back to normal!

What are your first impressions of the club?
1st impressions of the club are very good and believe they like to play attractive football which is my style too. I Can't wait to get started!

David Davies has joined us earlier this year during preseason, did he tell you anything about the club?
Yes, Dave has encouraged me to sign for the club, he told me about the attacking style of football they want to play & the good changing room spirit the team has.

Finally, have you already got a song in mind for your song initiation? How confident are you?
Not very confident at all! I have a terrible voice haha maybe a bit of Motown??

Well, we can't wait for that.

Welcome to LR, Ryan!

Further reading