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A-Z with Arian Retkoceri

A-Z with Arian Retkoceri

Aveley Football Club31 Mar 2016 - 14:29
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In this weeks A-Z, we get to know Aveley's Kosovan Pirlo, Arian Retkoceri.

A: Away - What is your favourite away ground you've played at?
Sudbury's pitch was awesome

B: Banter - Who has the best banter in the squad?
Abs Seymour

C: Club - What team do you support?
Manchester United

D: Dinner - What is your favourite meal?
Pasul (Kosovan dish, check it out!)

E: Evenings - Do you prefer a quiet night in or a night out with the lads?
I prefer a night out with my boys

F: Foreign - What is your favourite holiday destination?
Favourite holiday destination has to be Kosovo

G: Game - What has been your favourite football game you've ever played in?
For Aveley I'd say the 3-3 home draw last year against Thamesmead when I scored to make it 3-3 with the outside of my boot, top corner

H: Hobbies - What do you like to get up to away from football?
Anything really, as long as it's not boring

I: Idol - Who was your favourite footballer growing up?
Steven Gerrard/ Michael Carrick

J: Jobs - Have you worked as anything other than a footballer?
P.E. Teacher

K: Kid - What were you like as a young boy?
Really quiet and shy

L: Loath - What annoys you the most?
When people chew loudly

M: Music - What sort of music are you into, and what's your favourite ever tune?
Anything that sounds good really. Favourite song at the moment has to be 50 cent ft game hate it or love it.

N: Nickname - What's the best nickname you've ever come across in your football career?
Kosovan Pirlo haha.

O: Optimism - What would you like to achieve in your career/life?
I'd want to achieved as much as possible and be successful in the areas I'm committed in. And also have a healthy/loved family with a mini pirlo in the future

P: Pets - Do you have any pets?
No pets

Q: Quality - who is the best player you've played with?
Theo Ola, Matty Bakare, Fatlum Vranovci

R: Rapid - Who's the quickest player you've played with or against?
Egzon Asllani, Granit Kqiku

S: Strange - What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen?
Whilst I was walking by a random little kid he smashed a glass bottle and started counting the pieces saying "I win, I win, I win"... Stuff you see if you live in Barking haha

T: TV - What do you like to watch?
Anything that's funny, really definitely not towie.

U: Unknown - Tell us something about you that people wouldn't know?
I'm the King at FIFA

V: Video game - do you own a games console?

W: World - Where would most like to visit in your life?

X: Xylophone - Do you play any musical instruments?

Y: Yikes - What is your biggest fear?

Z: Zodiac - What is your star sign?

Further reading