Aveley will play in the Premier Division next season.
Secretary Craig Johnson was told in a phone call by the FA's Mike Appleby at on Tuesday night that Millers had been reprieved from relegation in the reshuffle that followed Rushden's dismissal from the Conference on Saturday.
Email received from Mike Appleby states:
The leagues committee were of the opinion it would be totally wrong at this late stage to wait for up to three weeks for the winding-up petition to be heard.
“Clubs need to plan for the new season. Therefore the committee agreed the changes to accommodate the vacancy in the Isthmian League Premier Division following the reprieval of Thurrock FC.
“The changes also included Shepshed Dynamo reprieved from Step 5 and Bedworth United and Soham Town Rangers being moved sideways.
“The entire episode meant change for seven clubs. Should the Rushden saga mean the club continues in its current format, provision has been made for them to be included at Step 3, with one competition operating with 23 clubs for next season.”