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Gary Chandler quits as OB manager

Gary Chandler quits as OB manager

Administrator2 Aug 2013 - 09:39
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Gary Chandler has resigned as manager of the 'Old Boys' team after being offered the chance to sign for the BAA 1st team as a player.

Gary Chandler has quit as manager of the BAA Old Boys casual side known as BAA Classic FC. The team that consisted of former players and vets was put together to give the players some football without the commitment of having to play every week.

The team has been undefeated under Gary Chandler and will be seen as a blow as he takes the challenge of playing for the BAA 1st team in Division 2 in the TVSFL. Despite being 43 the veteran is relishing the opportunity when he said 'When Gary Beckey made the offer I didn't have to think about it too long. The chance to play at that level doesn’t come around often at my age but I feel privileged that Gary feels I can still do a job at that level. Obviously I will miss the lads from the old boys team but I know they understand.'

Gary was also quick to point out that he has started a strict regime and diet as he prepares to get in shape ahead of the new season 'I’ve not been left much time to get match fit and since I retired a year ago I have put a bit of weight on but I’m now working hard to get back in shape. I'm going to the gym three times a week, and all junk food has gone out of my diet and have started with some slim fast shakes to get the weight down quickly.' said Chandler.

'We wish Gary all the best on his new adventure' said Old Boys player 'Simon Howard'

While fellow player Jason Ravenhill was not so kind when he said 'I'm not surprised to be honest, he struggled to get in the old boys team as he has weight issues and took the easy option by leaving, he will get more game time under Gary, there like family'

We wish Gary Chandler all the best and his wealth experience will only be a benefit to the team.

Further reading