1st XV
Sat 06 Nov 2021  ·  Essex 1
Bancroft Rugby Football Club
1st XV
Bancroft pressurise Barking in to defeat

Bancroft pressurise Barking in to defeat

Charles Wallace7 Nov 2021 - 20:26
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Back to winning ways for Bancroft

Bancroft welcomed Barking to a windy but sunny day for an intense game of rugby.

Barking started brightly and pinned Bancroft back in to their 22 with a constant stream of possession and pressure.
The Bancroft defence held firm. When Bancroft did break out they progressed up the pitch but were sent back by penalties for minor errors.
After weathering the barking storm Bancroft made use of the wind advantage to come down the pitch and with their first structured attack saw Ayo wrestle the ball from the opposition and stride over the line for the first score, ably converted by Craig.

Barking held their own and were always a threat but Bancroft were well organised and tackled out any attack. However, the story was not he same at hte othre end of the pitch where Bancroft could not put the last pass to the right place to make the most of their territorial and possesion advantage. Bancroft wanted something for all their effort and Craig put over a penalty to give a 10 - 0 advantage at half time.

Against the wind Bancroft continued to dominate territory and possesion but could not find the final pass or the telling break to convert it in to points. Bancroft battled away and another ball rip and drive by Ayo gave them just reward and another 7 points.

Barking came back and lack of focus by Bancroft saw them pull a try back. As the game continued Bancroft still had much of the possession but several try scoring opportunities went begging as Bancroft failed to put on th efinishing touches. On the break Barking could off load in to space and create chances which they finally converted to bring the game back to within a score. Almost with the next attack Bancroft took advantage of possesion and Josh broke through to score.

Even with just seconds left on the clock Barking were up to give it a go and immediately attacked. They were rewarded as the clock went in to the red.

Match details

Match date

Sat 06 Nov 2021




Essex 1

League position

Team overview
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Team Sponsors

Club Sponsor - Thirsk Winton LLP
Primary Mini / Junior Shirt Sponsors - We Love Electrics
Community Rugby Partners - Saracens Partner Club
Shirt sponsor - D.C.Dodd
Shirt sponsor - Caplen estates
Club Sponsor - Berns Brett