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Screening Day For 'Cardiac Risk in The Young' being held in the Club

Screening Day For 'Cardiac Risk in The Young' being held in the Club

Lesley Hill7 Mar 2022 - 09:56
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A screening Day is being held on Tuesday 26th April for all 14-35 year olds. This is a free event. Details of how to book your place are below.

If you wish to book an appointment, please complete the following steps:

2.Find Berwick Rugby Football Club listed for the Tuesday 26th April 2022
3.Click Register.
4.The password for this screening is BEN2022
5.Select a time slot and click ‘register now’.
6.Fill in the required details on the health questionnaire – this will take approximately 15 minutes.
7.Once the appointment is booked, you will receive a confirmation email; this will include a consent form. Please download the document, read carefully before completing and take it with you on the day.

Further reading