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Bulldogs on tour 2016 in a players words.....!

Bulldogs on tour 2016 in a players words.....!

Darren Smith14 Apr 2016 - 13:19
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Bulldogs on Tour 2016

Bulldogs on tour “Blackpool 2016”

The tour began as the bulldogs entered the club with their beachwear on (Fraser late as usual). Everyone was ready with their suitcases were already on the beer. Judge and Buckaroo were at the front telling everybody about the rules and what we would do. The players were on their phones playing games and the adults were already feeding Scooby. We were ready to go but where was the bus? 10 minutes later it came but the players had to stay in the club while the tourists pack the heavy bags on the bus. The bus was ready and we were on it. Blackpool here we come!

The players were already sharing Doritos, Pringles and Peanut M&M’s. The tourists were opening bottles and cans as soon as we set off “Its going to be a long journey”. A long bus drive there with plenty of loo stops but we made it to the caravan park.

The tourists got off the bus getting all of our bags and then we were all on the hunt for our caravans “some people had to walk over 1000 miles to there’s”. Once we all found them we unpacked and set off to the bar. First night and the players had already spent a fortune in the arcades and won over at least 3 tickets Ha Ha. Heading back to the caravan in the darkness of the night, we were ready for the first night in the caravan and get prepared for our first game of the tour.

Day 1,
First we visited the pool and tried to get Buckaroo under water but he managed to stay afloat even with about 6 of us on him….Not bad for a skinny bloke…Ha Ha
1st match. Bulldogs vs Fylde.
This was a very hard first game as some of there players were brothers of the BFG I think. 1st half we played as though we were still asleep and they scored a few tries past us and we struggled to get anywhere near there try line. 2nd half we woke up and started to play better and you could see they were struggling to get past us and only scored a few more.

After the game they were very welcoming and we got nice free food, lasagne and chips #Starving. All the players were watching Fylde 2nd team and playing on the astro turf. We were ready to go back so we got on the bus back to the caravan site. Before we got back to the site we stopped at Tesco which was fun as most of the tourists had drank too much and mucking about #funny. We finally got back to the site and we got back on the arcades to win some more tickets for that £1 slinky….. After, we went back to the caravan’s for Tesco food and the night was over (for some of us)!

Day 2. Bulldogs vs Fleetwood.

They were a good team and kept their heads up as we were playing really well and scored a lot passed them. We played with some great passing and tackling and majority of the time they couldn't get through our brick wall. Harley knocked one of their team members out with his chin #Ouch . The game ended and it was time for more food for players and tourists.
Judge and Buckaroo gave out Div of the day and also MOTM. After food Max, Harley, Reece and Bradley played a game of hungry hippos and Reece won. Once the players played bulldogs take down on the astro turf we were ready to go back. Again all tourists had a few beers and were laughing and joking.
We got back to the caravan site and it was time to hit the pool again and this time it was the Judges turn…Again we tried to get him under water but he was too strong for us. Even I could not get him under but I think I put his back out trying!! HaHa.

Last morning of the tour and everyone was tired and sad that we were going home. We went for breakfast before heading back to Billingham. One last go on the arcade to win some more tickets and then to cash them in at the arcade shop…100000000000 tickets and £10000000000 later we had enough to get a slinky and a pack of Haribo. Sad Times.

That was it all packed up and ready to go home. Goodbye Blackpool and hello Billingham.

Great 2016 tour. Thanks everyone especially all the coaches who kept us laughing all weekend....! :)
Max Smith

Further reading