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Lockdown 2.0 Challenge: BAWA to Twickenham

Lockdown 2.0 Challenge: BAWA to Twickenham

Jacob Rider6 Nov 2020 - 14:00
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BAC teams run the distance from the BAWA to Twickenham (188km) during the November 2020 lockdown.

The Challenge

  • In groups of 3, we will be running the distance from the BAWA to Twickenham (188km over 4 weeks / 2.24km per person per day).

The prizes

  • Every participant in a group that finishes the challenge will receive a finishers medal.
  • First group to finish the challenge will receive a boozy and cheesy Christmas hamper each (total value of the 3 hampers = £50).
  • Heaviest group to finish the challenge (total group weight in kg) will receive a boozy and cheesy Christmas hamper each (total value of the 3 hampers = £50).
  • Prizegiving will take place at the first training session after lockdown.

The rules

  • Participants will be assigned to a team (you can’t all be on Bobby Meeks’ team).
  • Each person must do at least 4 runs in the month.
  • Minimum run length is 2.5km.
  • There is no upper limit on amount and length of runs.
  • Challenge will begin at 00:01 on Tuesday 10th November and end at 23:59 on Tuesday 1st December.
  • Only runs logged on the BAC Strava group (link below) will count towards the 188km target.
  • Results will be audited – no cheating.

How to enter

  • Message your name and body weight in kg to Jacob (07375777313) by 12:00 on Saturday 7th November.
  • Download the Strava app and join the BAC club group (
  • The draw for teams will take place Saturday 7th November afternoon and will be televised.

Further reading