1st XV
Sat 12 Sep 2009
Bristol Aeroplane Company RFC
1st XV
Dings 3rds
1st & 2nd XV post a hard worked win against Dings!

1st & 2nd XV post a hard worked win against Dings!

Adam Arnott13 Sep 2009 - 13:14
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In the final trial match of the season, we looked for a match and opposition that would push us hard and keep us striving to be a better team.

Saturday 12th September, 12.45pm. Both BAC squads had arrived and were looking forward to a real challenge against one of the better teams in Bristol. It was a very hot and sunny day, little wind and clear sky's. Not perfect for rugby, but both teams had to deal with it.

BAC starting XV kicked off and it was straight into a hard hitting Dings pack. Dings started the game positively and were rucking hard and on the limits of the rules, however BAC also worked hard and managed to secure some good early possession.

The BAC pack kept soaking up the tackles and the continual pressure moved Dings backwards, even when they had the ball. The hard work paid off when after a few pick and drives it was out to the centres and into the hands of Gary Chard to score our first points on the right hand side of the posts.

BAC kept the pressure up and again pushed Dings back into their own half. It got too much for their 2nd row when he was sin binned after 10 minutes for head-butting. BAC used this advantage and again secured the ball and worked the ball to the centre of the field. The ball was then worked to the left wing where Gary Chard took his second try of the day, with 20 minutes on the clock.

On 32 minutes most of the BAC starting team was replaced and the new lads saw out the half with some good lineout variations and scrummaging.

Half Time: BAC: 10 - Dings: 0

Second half kicked off and Dings caught us cold with an early solo effort from one of their backs. This, if anything, focussed the team and they started to put the pressure back on Dings with good tackling and pressure at the breakdown, both at the ruck and in open play. This resulted in numerous errors from Dings in all areas of the field.

The pressure and momentum paid off, with another mistake from Dings. BAC capitalised and scored on the left hand side near the corner, with Anthony Hepplestone (Bousch) scoring his first try for BAC.

This however created more unrest and pressure on the Dings players, which at the next breakdown resulted in some scuffles taking place. Whilst the BAC players did not initiate any of these, due to the sheer numbers involved the referee decided to abandon the game with 20 minutes to play.

Whilst this was not the finish we would have wanted, we are confident we would have secured the win and scored more points, as the last 20 minutes has usually proved to be our strongest quarter.

Therefore, based on the rugby played - a great result.

BAC: 15 - Dings: 5

Match details

Match date

Sat 12 Sep 2009


Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

1st Team Lead Sponsor - Yellow Brick Mortgages
Shirt Sponsor - Great Western Recycling
Club - Abbott skip hire
Kit Sponsor - Cabot Carpets