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Charity Cheque Presentation #2

Charity Cheque Presentation #2

Buckingham Rugby1 Feb 2018 - 11:07
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The Kirk Nokes Memorial Fund

The other cheque presented after the President's Lunch was handed to Mags Wells to benefit the Kirk Nokes Memorial Fund.

The Rugby Club continue to support the memorial fund as a means of remembering "our Kirk" and at the same time giving something back to deserving young rugby players and sportsmen and women.

The cause also serves as a reminder for the need of road safety and awareness to those lads coming up through our Colts Academy. The Academy are called upon a number of times a year to help to raise funds and some of this support comes full circle at the end of year awards for one nominated individual who shows true Buckingham Ranger spirit.

The remaining two £1,000 cheques will be presented to forCrohns in March and then in April Mayor Jon Harvey will collect on behalf of his "Mayor's Charities" that include Buckingham Youth Centre, UNICEF and the NSPCC.

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